
Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(15)

이도비오 2024. 7. 15. 21:49

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #15

07.15(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' 

■ 주제 : SNS


1. Warm - up

What was the first social media platform you used?

Do you remember what you uploaded there?

If you don’t remember any, please tell me about an online community and what you uploaded there.



I think the first SNS platform I used was Facebook.

I usually posted travel photos.

The first place I traveled to as an adult was Eastern Europe, and I feel like I documented each day there.



2. Vocabulary

 - 명사, 동사, 형용사로 구분  →  문장에서의 역할 맞게 사용하자!

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(15)



3. 관련 질문


     Some people think social networking sites have lots of bad effects on society.

         Do you agree or disagree?

         What are some negative effects they can have on teens?



Since everything has its pros and cons, I don't think I can say it's completely bad.

But I do agree to some extent.

SNS often exaggerates(이그자저레이티드) and only shows the happy parts of daily life,

which can incite(선동하다) feelings of loss and competition. .
And above all, fake news spread so fast, which negatively affects young people's judgment.


     Have you blocked somebody on a social networking site?

         You can talk about your KakaoTalk experience as well.

         How did you feel about that person and why you blocked him or her?



I've experienced it.

He was someone I didn't know at all, and when I looked at his feed,

there were many strange photos and posts that seemed to be related to money scams(frauds).  

It was very unpleasant, so I quickly blocked him and protected my account more securely.


     Tell me about a memorable post you saw on a social networking site.

         It can be a video or a photo, or just a writing.

         What was that about and why did you think that was special?



Hmm, what stands out the most to me now is interior design.

I'm interested in interior design, and there was an account that posted attractive interior photos from around the world.

Just looking at them made me feel good.

I saved some of those photos, and I'm planning to refer to them when I decorate my home in the future.


4. OPIC 질문

Tell me about when people are impolite on social networking sites.
Why do you think those behaviors are rude?
Give me specific examples of how people behave impolitely on social networking sites.



Such experiences are common when using social media.

First of all, I sometimes think it's rude when I see negative or insulting comments.

In fact, social media is a space where individuals can freely post their thoughts and daily lives.

Of course, this should be done in a way that doesn't make others uncomfortable.

But when too many negative or insulting comments are posted on personal feeds or thoughts, I think it's a bit rude.

I also feel this way when I see posts insulting minorities(소수자).

There are many different people in the world.

Some have disabilities, are queer, and so on. 

But when I see posts that make insulting remarks about such people, it makes me uncomfortable.

