
영어공부 21

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(23)-이동

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #2308.08.(목) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Transportation- How's today?: 아무래도 목요일 정도 되니까 피곤한 것 같아. 오늘은 일찍 자려고!:  As it’s almost the end of the week, I feel a bit tired. So, I want to go to bed early tonight.  1. Warm - upTell me about the time when it took the longest to get to somewhere. Was it a holiday or was it when you had a trip abroad? How did you feel during the travel? >>>유..

영어공부 2024.08.08

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(22)-은행

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #2208.06.(화) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Bank- How's today?: 재택이라 좋았어.: It was an ordinary day.  Actually this week, I work at home. So I'm really relaxed. What a nice week! 1. Warm - upTell me about your first memory of visiting a bank. How old were you? Whom did you go there with? What did you remember doing? >>>처음 은행에 간건 정확하게 언제인지 기억은 나지 않지만..음..초등학교 시절 돼지 저금통에 모은 동전을 지폐로 바꾸러 갈..

영어공부 2024.08.06

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(21)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #2108.01.(목) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Phone & Internet & Tech- How's today?: 평범한 일상이었지만, 8월의 첫 날이라 기분 좋게 보낸 것 같아. 덥긴 했지만 엄청 습하진 않아서 적당했던 것 같아.: It was an ordinary day, but since it was the first day of August, I felt like I spent it in a good mood.   It was hot, but not extremely humid, so it was just right. 1. Warm - upHave you lost your cell phone or a laptop?  Did you get it..

영어공부 2024.08.01

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(20)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #2007.24.(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Restaurant & FoodHow's today?: 이번 한 주는 재택교육을 받고 있어서 아주 여유로운 하루였어.: This week, I've been receiving remote education(like working from home), so it has been a very relaxed day. 1. Warm - upWhat is the biggest characteristic of Korean food? What do you think the reason is? Do you like it or not? Why is that?  >>>아무래도 한국음식의 가장 큰 특징은 매콤함인 것 같아...

영어공부 2024.07.24

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(19)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1907.23.(화) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Gathering & Holidays ※ 따로 진행하지는 않고, 프리토킹하였다!- 여름 휴가 계획이 있어? - Do you have any plans for a summer vacation? : 아직 다녀오지 않았고, 여름이 아닌 가을에 가려고 해!: I haven't gone yet, and I'm planning to go in the fall, not the summer! : 여름휴가를 가면 아무래도 비행기 티켓도 비싸고, 덥고, 사람도 많아서 나는 차라리 가을이나 겨울에 가는 것을 선호해.: If I go on vacation in the summer, plane tickets are usually..

영어공부 2024.07.24

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(17)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1707.18.(목) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Family & Friend 1. Warm - upTell me how the things you and your friends talk about have changed. What did you talk about when you were young? What do you talk about now?  >>> In the past, when I was in middle school or high school, I used to talk with friends about our favorite singers or idols, other friends, school teachers, and after-sch..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(18)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1807.22.(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : House & Recycling 1. Warm - upWhat was the thing you bought for your house and made you very satisfied? What did you like most about that? >>> Well, first of all, I am very satisfied with the fact that I got my own place and became independent. If I had to mention a specific item, it would be the lighting. I recently bought a nice light at ..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(16)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1607.17.(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : TV 1. Warm - upTell me about a TV show you want to recommend to foreign friends. What is the reason you chose that show? What is the best thing about that show? >>> If I were to(강조) recommend a Korean TV show to foreigners, I would suggest the program "I Live Alone." It's a reality show that shows the daily lives of Korean celebrities. It's..

영어공부 2024.07.17

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(15)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1507.15(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : SNS 1. Warm - upWhat was the first social media platform you used? Do you remember what you uploaded there? If you don’t remember any, please tell me about an online community and what you uploaded there. >>> I think the first SNS platform I used was Facebook. I usually posted travel photos.The first place I traveled to as an adult was East..

영어공부 2024.07.15

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(14)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1407.12(금) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Travel 1. Warm - upWhen you go travel, do you like doing as many things you can or just relaxing at a hotel? Do your friends or family understand you? Have you ever had a conflict because of that? >>>When I travel, I usually prefer to experience as many things as possible in that place. This is especially true for overseas trips. My friends ..

영어공부 2024.07.12