
Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(13)

이도비오 2024. 7. 10. 21:38

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #13

07.10(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' 

■ 주제 : Fashion & Shopping


1. Warm - up

How do fashion trends start in Korea?

Are they made by a K-pop star, a fashion model or an influencer?

What or who do you think start a popular fashion item?



It's a bit of a difficult question,

but I think fashion trends in Korea mostly start with models or actors.

In particular, it seems that the clothes, bags, and shoes of overseas famous brand models or top actors become popular.


2. Vocabulary

 - 명사, 동사, 형용사로 구분  →  문장에서의 역할 맞게 사용하자!

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(13)



3. 관련 질문


   Tell me how Koreans buy their clothes.

       Where is the most popular shopping center?

       Is online shopping common?



Most people seem to shop at online malls, famous department stores, or outlets.

The most famous shopping mall is probably The Hyundai in Seoul,

and Also there are countless online shopping malls. And they are quite common.


   Are Koreans sensitive to fashion trends?

      What is the most beloved fashion item this season?

      Did you buy it?



Korea seems to be quite sensitive to trends.

I think the most loved fashion item this summer is Rain Boots.

I haven't bought them yet, but now that the summer Raining season has started,

I'm a bit tempted to get a pair.


   Do you like online shopping or going to a mall then buy?

       Which is better you think and why is that?



I think online shopping is a more effective way to shop if you have objective information about your body.

It's easy and simple to see clothes from various brands, and it's convenient and

time-saving since you don't have to try them on.

That's why I tend to use online shopping malls more often.



4. OPIC 질문


Fashion styles always change.

Tell me about the popular clothes people used to wear when you were younger.

Was there anything special?

Tell me how different they were from now.




Hmm. I think Fashion trends in my country have changed dynamically.

In the 2000s, people liked tight clothes showing their body lines.

In the 2010s, hip hop style was a big hit. So People wore wide jeans and big T-shirts.

But Nowadays, It seems that clothes or fashion that highlight(emphasize) individual personalities are much more popular. So these days, people tend to respect each other's diverse styles.


However, from time to time, some fashion items spread then disappear quickly.

That is because, just like people in other countries, Koreans like watching TV shows and following celebrities’ styles.

I have a good example of this.

Last year, my favorite actor Kim wore a red jacket in a TV show.

It looked really good on her.

Since that show recorded the highest audience rating,

lots of people who watched that show purchased the same jacket. 

So there are cases where it is completely sold out.
