
영어공부 10

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(17)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1707.18.(목) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Family & Friend 1. Warm - upTell me how the things you and your friends talk about have changed. What did you talk about when you were young? What do you talk about now?  >>> In the past, when I was in middle school or high school, I used to talk with friends about our favorite singers or idols, other friends, school teachers, and after-sch..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(18)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1807.22.(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : House & Recycling 1. Warm - upWhat was the thing you bought for your house and made you very satisfied? What did you like most about that? >>> Well, first of all, I am very satisfied with the fact that I got my own place and became independent. If I had to mention a specific item, it would be the lighting. I recently bought a nice light at ..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(14)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1407.12(금) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Travel 1. Warm - upWhen you go travel, do you like doing as many things you can or just relaxing at a hotel? Do your friends or family understand you? Have you ever had a conflict because of that? >>>When I travel, I usually prefer to experience as many things as possible in that place. This is especially true for overseas trips. My friends ..

영어공부 2024.07.12

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(13)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1307.10(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Fashion & Shopping 1. Warm - upHow do fashion trends start in Korea? Are they made by a K-pop star, a fashion model or an influencer? What or who do you think start a popular fashion item? >>> It's a bit of a difficult question,but I think fashion trends in Korea mostly start with models or actors. In particular, it seems that the clothes, b..

영어공부 2024.07.10

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(12)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1207.09(화) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Bar & Party 1. Warm - upTell me how much Korean people like drinking. When do you usually drink? Are you good drinkers? What is your favorite kind of drink? >>>I think Korean people really love drinking. Many people enjoy drinking after work, it means lots of people drink alcohol about 5 times a week.I don't know the specific reason, but I t..

영어공부 2024.07.09

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(11)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1107.08(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Cafe 1. Warm - upTell me how much Korean people love cafes. When do they go to a cafe? What do they do at cafes? >>>I think Korean people really love cafes. There are so many cafes in every city. Most Koreans work very hard and are workaholics. Because of this, many people need a cup of coffee in the morning, which is why there are so many c..

영어공부 2024.07.08

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(10)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #907.03(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Music 1. Warm - upTell me popular singers in your country. What kinds of songs they sing? Do Koreans like foreign songs? Or, do you think Korean songs have their own styles? >>>I think Korean songs have our own styles. And we continue these style and also develope various culture. I think BTS is probably the most famous singer in Korea. Actua..

영어공부 2024.07.03

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(9)-영화

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #907.01(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Movie 1. Warm - upTell me how you watch movies these days.Do you like to go to a theater?Or, do you prefer watching at home using a TV or digital device? Why is that? 2. Vocabulary - 명사, 동사, 형용사로 구분되어 있어 적용하며 그 차이를 인식하기 굳 3. 관련 질문◇ Tell me about what type of movies you like the most.    Why do you like those movies?    What is your favorite m..

영어공부 2024.07.01

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(8)-여행

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #86.26.(수)■ 주제 : Traveling   1. Opening Hi!Today was the same!   =  Today was just like any other day.  It's been a normal, normal day! I attended my online classes from home, cooked my own lunch and dinner, and went for a walk. Even though it was an ordinary day, I was happy to be able to follow my routine.  2. 여행사에게 여행상품 문의 **Customer:**  Hello, I would like to inquire about ..

영어공부 2024.06.26

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(7)-파티

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #76.24.(월)■ 주제 : Party 1. Opening Hey!I had a happy Monday!Cause, I have Monday without going to work.From this week, I received home education, so I worked from home instead of going to the office.It was so nice! Oh! Last Weekend, I had a really fun time.It's been a month since I moved in, So I throw a housewarming party.My mom, dad, brother, and my brother's girlfriend came a..

영어공부 2024.06.24