
opic 11

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(17)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1707.18.(목) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Family & Friend 1. Warm - upTell me how the things you and your friends talk about have changed. What did you talk about when you were young? What do you talk about now?  >>> In the past, when I was in middle school or high school, I used to talk with friends about our favorite singers or idols, other friends, school teachers, and after-sch..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(18)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1807.22.(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : House & Recycling 1. Warm - upWhat was the thing you bought for your house and made you very satisfied? What did you like most about that? >>> Well, first of all, I am very satisfied with the fact that I got my own place and became independent. If I had to mention a specific item, it would be the lighting. I recently bought a nice light at ..

영어공부 2024.07.22

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(14)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1407.12(금) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Travel 1. Warm - upWhen you go travel, do you like doing as many things you can or just relaxing at a hotel? Do your friends or family understand you? Have you ever had a conflict because of that? >>>When I travel, I usually prefer to experience as many things as possible in that place. This is especially true for overseas trips. My friends ..

영어공부 2024.07.12

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(13)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1307.10(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Fashion & Shopping 1. Warm - upHow do fashion trends start in Korea? Are they made by a K-pop star, a fashion model or an influencer? What or who do you think start a popular fashion item? >>> It's a bit of a difficult question,but I think fashion trends in Korea mostly start with models or actors. In particular, it seems that the clothes, b..

영어공부 2024.07.10

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(11)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #1107.08(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Cafe 1. Warm - upTell me how much Korean people love cafes. When do they go to a cafe? What do they do at cafes? >>>I think Korean people really love cafes. There are so many cafes in every city. Most Koreans work very hard and are workaholics. Because of this, many people need a cup of coffee in the morning, which is why there are so many c..

영어공부 2024.07.08

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(10)

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #907.03(수) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Music 1. Warm - upTell me popular singers in your country. What kinds of songs they sing? Do Koreans like foreign songs? Or, do you think Korean songs have their own styles? >>>I think Korean songs have our own styles. And we continue these style and also develope various culture. I think BTS is probably the most famous singer in Korea. Actua..

영어공부 2024.07.03

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(9)-영화

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #907.01(월) _ ' OPIC Clinic ' ■ 주제 : Movie 1. Warm - upTell me how you watch movies these days.Do you like to go to a theater?Or, do you prefer watching at home using a TV or digital device? Why is that? 2. Vocabulary - 명사, 동사, 형용사로 구분되어 있어 적용하며 그 차이를 인식하기 굳 3. 관련 질문◇ Tell me about what type of movies you like the most.    Why do you like those movies?    What is your favorite m..

영어공부 2024.07.01

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(8)-여행

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #86.26.(수)■ 주제 : Traveling   1. Opening Hi!Today was the same!   =  Today was just like any other day.  It's been a normal, normal day! I attended my online classes from home, cooked my own lunch and dinner, and went for a walk. Even though it was an ordinary day, I was happy to be able to follow my routine.  2. 여행사에게 여행상품 문의 **Customer:**  Hello, I would like to inquire about ..

영어공부 2024.06.26

Chat GPT가 써주는 OPIC 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(7)-파티

Chat GPT가 써준 스크립트 #76.24.(월)■ 주제 : Party 1. Opening Hey!I had a happy Monday!Cause, I have Monday without going to work.From this week, I received home education, so I worked from home instead of going to the office.It was so nice! Oh! Last Weekend, I had a really fun time.It's been a month since I moved in, So I throw a housewarming party.My mom, dad, brother, and my brother's girlfriend came a..

영어공부 2024.06.24

Chat GPT가 써주는 스크립트 : OPIC 한번에 AL 달성하기_(2)

Chat GPT 가 써준 스크립트 #26.11.(화)■ 주제 : Flight 1. Opening Hi.I'm YUN!These days, I'm so busy.I'm always ina rush to get to work and to leave work.Because, in the morning I set my mornig-routine.I go to work early and plan what to do for the day.I organize tasks to be done at work, plan what to do after work, and decide what kinf of excercise to do.I  spend time planning my day like this.Also after w..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.11